
New: DABaXchange

With DAB, it is possible to broadcast images. The DABaXchange keeps an eye on a location. As soon as a new image appears at this location, it is loaded by the DABaXhchange, adjusted internally and optimized for DAB transmission to be broadcast as fast as possible to the listener. The location of the source image can be a website (http(s)) or a network drive. Any playout system that exports images can provide images to broadcast over DAB. DABaXchange supports the most common image types: *.jpg, *.bmp and *.png. DABaXchange will automatically scale the image to the required DAB pixel dimensions.

A delivered image often does not have the same aspect ratio as a broadcast SGI image of 320×240 pixels. Therefore, a custom background image can be set to catch the resulting bars when scaling with a background image of your choice. A front image can be set. This allows the radio station’s logo to be placed on top of the image. In doing so, the logo is a transparent image.

The image optimized by DABaXchange is offered for DAB broadcast at a network location or uploaded with FTP to the DAB headend such as the aXemble or Fraunhofer DAB Content Server. If desired, a script can also be run every time a new image is ready for broadcast.

In addition to images, DAB also allows text up to 128 characters to be transmitted, which are DLS Dynamic Labels. DABaXchange monitors a location where texts for DAB DLS broadcast are offered. The location can be a website or a network drive where the playout software exports the text for DAB broadcast. The text is offered with the DLS or RT command from the UECP protocol to the DAB headend such as the aXemble or the Fraunhofer DAB content Server.

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