
DNA of a Broadcast Partner – Roel ICT

Roel de Prenter

System & Network Administrator

What you make today will be obsolete by next week. Developments are happening at lightning speed and more and more is being added.

Why I choose Broadcast Partners.

What attracts me very much to Broadcast Partners is that I have complete freedom to walk my own path and I can decide how to set things up. The flexibility and freedom in the work makes me work here for almost 10 years now. One day is filled with providing support to colleagues on the shop floor. The other day I pick up installation of servers and make everything up to date. Complicated issues regarding the office network, such as replacing the switches and routers, I am now managing from my own expertise and that makes me proud. We do it all together, of course, but that own share in the end result gives me satisfaction. In doing so, I also really enjoy being involved in the entire work process. At other companies, some of the tasks are part of the responsibility, but at Broadcast Partners I am responsible for the whole of ICT on the shop floor.

Freedom for me is happiness

The people who work at Broadcast Partners have a passion for technology. That enthusiasm is nice and works well together, because if I need help I have adept colleagues I can always walk in to and spar with. In the time I have worked here, I have learned an enormous amount. What I learned that you can really only learn in the work as well. The colleagues are technical and know something about everything. They are always innovating and improving technically, which is super educational.


The song that Roel’s radio goes louder for

Broadcast Partners
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