
Koekstad Radio on 94.4 FM in Deventer

Since July 12, Koekstad Radio has been broadcasting on 94.4 FM in Deventer. In October last year, the local commercial Deventer radio station began its broadcasts. Owner Jeroen Schoppema: “It is a boys dream come true, since childhood my dream was to have my own radio station”.

“In 1985 I started as an illegal radio pirate, then I was with several local radio stations and finally now I have my own radio station”. “We started small last year in October and are now on the internet, DAB+ and now also on FM, I am really super happy with that”. “We make live programs every day from 6 o’clock for the people of Deventer, give away prizes and get a lot of response from our listeners, that’s really great”. “Broadcast Partners helped us very well and quickly after obtaining our local commercial FM license and the Orban soundprocessing they set up sounds like a clock!”.

Koekstad Radio can be received via 94.4 FM in the municipality of Deventer, DAB+ in the entire Stedendriehoek (channel 6D), streaming apps (including JUKE) and via

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